Were you using an older copy of GPSy? Initializing new GPSy preferences.
Unregistered Program
This feature is disabled until GPSy is registered. Please register GPSy at http://www.gpsy.com
GPSy Link Required
This feature requires the optional GPSyLink. Please purchase or upgrade to GPSy+GPSyLink at http://www.gpsy.com.
File Transfer Error
GPSy could not parse the file header. This may not be a valid GPS data file. Try manually selecting the file type before transferring.
File Transfer Error
I cannot autodetect the type of data in this file. Please manually specify the transfer data type by selecting Send Waypoint, Track or Route.
File Transfer Error
The file header doesn't match your requested transfer type.
File Transfer Warning
GPSy could not parse the file header (because it was missing or damaged). GPSy will try to send the data using the preferenced datum/coordinate system.
Data Transfer Error
This operation could not be completed because the serial port is set to <NONE>. Select a new serial port.
Garmin Protocol Error
No acknowledgement messsage received within time-out period. Make sure unit is connected and in GRMN/GRMN host mode.
Garmin Protocol Error
No response to query packet. Make sure unit is connected and in GRMN/GRMN host mode.
Please switch your Garmin unit to GRMN/GRMN host mode.
Please switch your Garmin unit to NMEA/NMEA mode if you wish to use other features in GPSy.
Internet Config not installed.
To launch URLs from GPSy, please install Internet Config from <ftp://ftp.share.com/internet-configuration/>
GPSy not in NMEA-0183 mode
GPSy and your Eagle/Lowrance GPS must both be set to use the NMEA-0183 protocol. Please check both settings and try again.
Eagle Protocol Error
No response to query packet. Make sure unit is connected and is sending NMEA data (See GPS Data Panel).
Protocol Not Supported
You selected a protocol option that has not been implemented (yet).
GPSy Pro Feature
ChartKit BSB charts are a feature of GPSy Pro. Please upgrade to GPSy Pro.
Map Already Calibrated
GPSy has already calculated a mapping solution from the data points entered. Entering additional data points will not affect the current solution.
Map Calibration Solution Not Possible
GPSy cannot determine a map calibration solution from the data points entered. Please try recalibrating the map after verifying the orthography of the data points entered.
Map Imaging Aborted
The map imaging routines aborted; most probably because you cancelled them. Patience, patience, grasshopper.
TFW File Incomplete
The .TFW calibration file is incomplete. It doesn’t contain the UTM zone. See how to modify the TFW file at:
OpenTransport Error
I couldn’t connect to the DGPS-IP server due to an OpenTransport or TCP/IP error. It could be the server is down or a problem in your local network.